Hi students! The goal for this blog is for you to become familiar with plant and animal adaptations. An adaptation is a trait that helps an organism survive. Below you will find various plants and animals. Choose a plant or animal to research. Write a reply that includes adaptations for this plant or animal. For each adaptation identify it as a behavioral or physical adaptation. Be sure to include what the adaptation is and how it helps the plant or animal to survive and thrive.

Your post must be a minimum of 1 paragraph (5-8 sentences) detailing the adaptations of the organism you choose.

Your post must be written in complete sentences with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.

You must also respond to at least 3 classmate’s posts. When responding to a classmate, you may add additional information to their post, compare what they have written to the adaptations of a different organisms, or ask a question about what they posted.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What are the adaptations of a lion?


  1. The adaptation of a Lion is in the Grasslands. Furthermore I'm really shocked how Lions camouflauge with their golden-brown skin to blend in the plains to sneak up on their preys.Mostly they use their hearings and smelling senses so the Lion has a Behavioral Adaptation because it can adapt to its surroundings.Their are several different Lions because mostly they live in Africa.Lions environments could be in many different places in addition,they could be in circuses,wild life reserves or Zoos.They have sharp teeth to hunt and eat prey,they have very muscular and strong hind legs to help them run and sprint away from predators or to help them catch prey.Lions are also the SECOND largest in the whole cat species.

    1. Cool, but did you know that when a lion is in the heat she will mate for about fifteen minutes for atleats three days.

  2. Bianca,
    You have given us many wonderful details about the Lion's habitat and adaptations. Are the lions sharp teeth a physical or behavioral adaptation? Think about its sharp teeth. Compare a lions teeth to the teeth of other mammals. Is a lion a herbivore, carnivore or an omnivore?
    Mrs. Ragland

    1. The Lion's sharp teeth would possibly be physical adaptation. A Lion would be a carnivore because in order for it to eat it eats meat.

  3. What type of prey does a lion chase? Would you say the lion uses its teeth or its claws more to help it eat and tear apart flesh?

    1. I think the Lion might chase a Buffalo. Well in order for it to eat and tear things apart it would use its teeth

  4. Bianca,
    Is the lion`s mane an adaptation? That is the only animal I can think of that has that physical trait.

  5. Very good information Bianca!

  6. Bianca, do you think that the lion would survive in any FL habitats? Why or why not?

    1. Honestly,Shea I think in my own words i think "Yes" because in some particular parts of Florida their are Grasslands and it could maybe it could adapt there so yes.

  7. Bianca,
    What is the lion's favorite type of food? What is it's favorite thing to do? Which one of it's adaptation's does it use the most?

    1. The Lion's favorite type of food would have to be Wildbeast but also they have other favorite prey for example it can also eat zebra,buffalo,and anetelopes. The Lions favorite thing to do is watch their baby Lions play around and they like to hunt for prey. The Lions adaptation they would use the most would be their hind legs to help them sprint and run faster in order for them to snatch their prey.

  8. Do you think lions could adapt to polar weather, like an ice age?

    1. Yes Carlin I believe that Lions would be able to adapt to adapt to a cold habitat because they could grow long fur and during a snow storm their manes would stop snow.

  9. Did you know that most female lions mate male lions with darker mane? So the the darker a male lion's mane is the more chances he has to get a mate.

    1. Wow! Intresting fact Madeline,but did you also know that the male lions are larger than female lions and also a group of lions is called a "Pride" and they get kicked out of the "pride" group for about 3 years by the leader male lion.
