Hi students! The goal for this blog is for you to become familiar with plant and animal adaptations. An adaptation is a trait that helps an organism survive. Below you will find various plants and animals. Choose a plant or animal to research. Write a reply that includes adaptations for this plant or animal. For each adaptation identify it as a behavioral or physical adaptation. Be sure to include what the adaptation is and how it helps the plant or animal to survive and thrive.

Your post must be a minimum of 1 paragraph (5-8 sentences) detailing the adaptations of the organism you choose.

Your post must be written in complete sentences with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.

You must also respond to at least 3 classmate’s posts. When responding to a classmate, you may add additional information to their post, compare what they have written to the adaptations of a different organisms, or ask a question about what they posted.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What are the adaptations of a moose?


  1. Moose like to hang out where there is a body of water so the moose can jump in and cool off when its hot. Generally, moose like places where there is protection from weather, privacy, water, food, and safety.They also like food in the wetter places and have an easier time escaping from predators.Only male moose grow antlers to protect themselves .Also, they have excellent hearing so they can hear predators coming. all of these actions are behavioral except,that they can hear very well and the males can only grow antlers

  2. Did you know that long legs and and a thick body allow the moose to move through deep snow and wet areas on the ground? Their hair is wider at the tip than at the base. Also the moose have two large toes on the hooves of there feet that are spread apart to keep the moose from sinking in to snow.
