Hi students! The goal for this blog is for you to become familiar with plant and animal adaptations. An adaptation is a trait that helps an organism survive. Below you will find various plants and animals. Choose a plant or animal to research. Write a reply that includes adaptations for this plant or animal. For each adaptation identify it as a behavioral or physical adaptation. Be sure to include what the adaptation is and how it helps the plant or animal to survive and thrive.

Your post must be a minimum of 1 paragraph (5-8 sentences) detailing the adaptations of the organism you choose.

Your post must be written in complete sentences with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.

You must also respond to at least 3 classmate’s posts. When responding to a classmate, you may add additional information to their post, compare what they have written to the adaptations of a different organisms, or ask a question about what they posted.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What are the adaptations of an arctic fox?


  1. The arctic foxes adaptations are that it has thick fur, to survive in the cold temperatures of the Arctic. The arctic foxes furry paws allow it to walk on the ice in search of prey. The acrtic foxes keen hearing helps it locate prey under the snow. The arctic foxes color changes with the seasons. This adaptation allows it to stay camouflaged

    1. Carlin,
      You have given me several examples of adaptations of the arctic fox. Are the adaptations you listed physical or behavioral?
      Mrs. Ragland

    2. These adaptations are physical adaptations.

    3. Carlin, arctic foxes eat anything they can find. They are omnivores. They eat mostly left overs from other animals.

  2. That's so cool how the artic fox's fur changes color with the seasons!

  3. I wonder what senses let the body know to change its color during the seasons?

  4. Did you know arctic foxes follow polar bears to eat their leftovers? They also are the only member of the dog family to change colors.

    1. But madeline I thought Wolves change color too and they are also part of the dog family?

  5. How come arctic foxes don't hunt for food?
