Hi students! The goal for this blog is for you to become familiar with plant and animal adaptations. An adaptation is a trait that helps an organism survive. Below you will find various plants and animals. Choose a plant or animal to research. Write a reply that includes adaptations for this plant or animal. For each adaptation identify it as a behavioral or physical adaptation. Be sure to include what the adaptation is and how it helps the plant or animal to survive and thrive.

Your post must be a minimum of 1 paragraph (5-8 sentences) detailing the adaptations of the organism you choose.

Your post must be written in complete sentences with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.

You must also respond to at least 3 classmate’s posts. When responding to a classmate, you may add additional information to their post, compare what they have written to the adaptations of a different organisms, or ask a question about what they posted.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What are the adaptations of an orangutan?


  1. An orangutan is adapted for an arboreal lifestyle. In order to move efficiently through the jungle canopy, an orangutan has many motor adaptations. For example, an orangutan has long arms, aiding in reaching far branches. The orangutan also has increased hip abduction capabilities, allowing for greater sideways movements of the legs, aiding it in moving from tree to tree. A third adaptation and orangutan possesses is curved phalanges, allowing it to grip branches and supports more efficiently.

    1. I did not know all these things about an orangutan. How did you find all of this information. It's amazing!

  2. An orangutan is adapted for an arboreal lifestyle. In order to move efficiently through the jungle canopy, an orangutan has many motor adaptations. For example, an orangutan has long arms, aiding in reaching far branches. The orangutan also has increased hip abduction capabilities, allowing for greater sideways movements of the legs, aiding it in moving from tree to tree. A third adaptation and orangutan possesses is curved phalanges, allowing it to grip branches and supports more efficiently.

  3. they also adapt by changing homes quickly when their homes get destroyed

  4. Taylor,
    Wow! The orangutan is a very interesting organism. How or why would their homes be destroyed? What kind of adaptations are the ones you listed, physical or behavioral?
    Mrs. Ragland

  5. forest fires, mining interests and palm oil plantations are how their homes are destroyed and all are physical adaptation

  6. If there was one place where an orangutan could be able to blend in with it's surroundings... where do you think it would be?

  7. What kind of habitat could an orangutan blend in with it's surroundings? Would there be any specifc plant or area?

    1. I would say a dessert Valeria. Just because they are orange colored. They probably wouldn't survive though.

    2. Did you know people make schools for orangutans.

  8. @ Valeria - I do not think it is possible for the "orange" to blend in anywhere except high up in the trees and in a dense forest. The orangutan only has a couple preditators so they are pretty much free from land animals and they are only on the ground about 5% of the time. :)

  9. taylor one thing thats cool about orangoutangs is even though they might not be the most pretty animals ever they are very intelligent organisms

  10. Actually I found that some leopard's,tigers,and occasionally pythons hunt the orangutan. (that's for adult's though)

  11. Do Orangutangs migrate? And if they do, do they migrate in groups? If so, how many orangutans would be in that group?

  12. Evan orangutans don't migrate. Hey Taylor did you know that the orangutans adaptation is that it can climb trees high to protect there young and stay away from predators so its behavioral?

  13. I am glad you found out that orangutans do not migrate? What are some animals that do migrate?
    Mrs. Ragland

  14. Hey guys!Did you know that 'Orang' and 'Utan' are the Malay words meaning 'person' and 'forest'?Cool,huh?
